Managed Solution provides complete, end-to-end, managed services for companies of all sizes. Our Complete Organizational Maintenance Program (COMP) consists of multiple levels of 7 x 24 x 365 monitoring with options for Helpdesk and On-site support. Our Service Level Agreements (SLA) provide clients with the knowledge that their IT issues will be resolved in a timely fashion without the expense of additional full time employees.

All companies are looking for ways to improve network and systems availability while reducing IT operational expenses. Check out our new ManTAAS Calculator [link to the new page] and see how your company can save and streamline. Managed Solution’s COMP allows our clients to easily budget for their IT needs.

Whether you are a company that has a full-time IT staff, or are looking for a fully outsourced IT solution, our COMP solution will provide you with the coverage you need, backed by our on-staff engineering support.

With the integration of our Network Operations Center (NOC) to our Professional Services Application, clients are able to get a full view of the health of their network, the response time of our in-house Helpdesk and the current patch levels of their network infrastructure. Managed Solution also provides after hours support with customizable SLA’s as well as defined escalation processes to ensure that our clients IT infrastructure is available so that they can run their business.

Looking for an outsourced solution? Give Managed Solution a call and let us show you how we can save you money.

