Managed Solution's in-house Helpdesk provides clients with remote remediation to their IT problems. As our first line of support, our Helpdesk engineers work with the client to troubleshoot the issue and in most cases are able to resolve it remotely. For those issues that require an on-site engineering visit, the Helpdesk Service Manager will dispatch the appropriately skilled resource on-site to resolve the issue.
All calls and emails to our Helpdesk are documented through our ticketing system and escalate through the system according to the severity of the issue and duration they have been active. Clients that are under our Complete Organizational Maintenance Program have full visibility into all tickets, resolutions and escalations.
Managed Solution's Helpdesk is available to all of our clients; however our Service Level Agreements are only available to our COMP clients.
Need to contact the Helpdesk? Here are two ways to do it:
Call Direct at 619-220-0544 or 888-563-9132 and hit option 2.
Not an urgent issue, email us at: